Hey there, Budz community! 🚀 If you're logged in, the stage is yours! Whether you've got a burning question, a stellar suggestion, need a little directional guidance, or just want to drop a good joke—this is your space. Feel free to share a killer music video, or maybe a video highlighting the latest in current events.
To start sharing, simply click the button that says "Create Post" choose a category, and voilà! To choose a picture, or a video to add that extra flair to your posts, simply hit the Plus Sign on the left-hand side of the page while creating the post.
Let's keep it clean and fun—no "not safe for work" stuff please and thank you!
This is the hub for draws; this setup is much better than the old Wix forum. No more navigating through a separate app, ...much much better this way!
Stay tuned for exciting giveaways, draws, sweet deals, and important announcements. This is where the magic happens. 🌟 Can't wait to see what you all bring to the table! 🎉
To test here is a video from Jope Rogen called, Mad Honey! Also,
you can make your video in two different sizes large and small. The one I am posting is an example of a large size you adjust the size after you post a video. The icons are above the video to adjust size and alignment. If you need help, hit me up on the chat line.
testing comments ...hello me its me again!